What is a Bi-Pap

What is a Bi-Pap

Bi-PAP stands for Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure. It is a breathing apparatus that helps people with COPD get more air into their lungs. It was developed in the 1990s as a development from the C-PAP, which stands for  continuous positive airway pressure. In the 1980s, people used a C-PAP in their homes to help combat breathing difficulties such as sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a problem in which the person’s upper airway collapses. This causes the person to repeatedly stop breathing. Apnea sufferers usually wake suddenly with a huge rousing snore. Their quality of sleep is poor and can lead to mental problems such as depression and lack of concentration. The physical health of the sufferer can also deteriorate..

With the development of Bi-PAP, air delivered through a mask can be set at one pressure for inhaling and another for exhaling. This makes Bi-PAP much easier for users to adapt to and also allows C.O.P.D, sufferers to use the device. Because of these dual settings, Bi-PAP allows people to get more air in and out of the lungs without the natural muscular effort needed to do so.

There are several tests a doctor can perform to find out if a Bi-PAP would be beneficial if you are a sufferer of C.O.P.D.. One is a respiratory test, which involves breathing into a machine to measure your lung capacity. The Spirometry test is another important test; it basically tests how deep a breath you can take.

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